The Twin Pregnancy Nutrition Guide is an ebook companion to Real Food for Pregnancy — designed to address the specific nutritional and lifestyle considerations that come with twin pregnancy. In my experience, most healthcare professionals do not have education in nutrition for twin pregnancy, so if you were simply told to “eat more,” you’ll find a lot more specific information on proper nourishment in this guide.
Drawing on the latest research and a whole-food, ancestral nutrition approach, this guide emphasizes the importance of nutrient-dense foods, adjusting your intake to match the increased needs of a twin pregnancy, and specific strategies for common symptoms and complications in multiple gestation pregnancies. It also addresses practical and nutritional considerations for postpartum recovery and tandem nursing twins.
Much of the information in this guide is not readily available elsewhere. A full citation list is provided for those who want to dig deeper into twin pregnancy nutrition research.
Topics covered in the Twin Pregnancy Nutrition Guide:
- Overview of twin pregnancy types and considerations
- Nutrition for twin pregnancy (including calories, macronutrients, micronutrients)
- Sample twin meal plan and snacks
- Supplementation in twin pregnancy
- Healthy weight gain in twin pregnancy
- Management strategies for common twin pregnancy complications and discomforts
- Postpartum recovery nutrition following twin pregnancy
- Breastfeeding twins: Nutritional and practical considerations with tandem nursing
- Self care tips & encouragement
This guide has gone through editorial review by multiple healthcare professionals who personally have experienced twin pregnancy firsthand.